Oral Posters at the ISPN 2022 meeting will be presented as paper posters with a short oral presentation by the poster.

As authors put a lot of work into their posters which are often overlooked if they are simply electronic, we decided to have printed posters with short oral presentation at the ISPN Annual Meeting in Singapore as well. We will allow authors an opportunity to present their work in one of the 2 poster sessions.

Each poster session will have poster groups with approximately 25 posters per group, each be led by a panel of moderators. The poster presenters should be at their poster when the group gets there.

Each presenter will have 1 minute to highlight the main points of his/hers poster.


To view the oral posters list please click here.

Date Group Poster numbers Moderators

Poster Session 1

Wednesday, 07 December 2022

16:05 – 17:05

Group 1 PP-001 - PP-025 Sandi Lam Edward Ahn
Group 2 PP-026 - PP-051 Michael Handler Suhas Udayakumaran
Group 3 PP-052 - PP-074 Ladina Greuter Llewellyn Padayachy
Group 4 PP-075 - PP-099 Philipp Aldana Zulma Tovar-Spinoza

Poster Session 2

Friday, 09 December 2022

15:00 – 16:00

Group 5 PP-100 - PP-123 David Low Daniel McNeely
Group 6 PP-124 - PP-146 Jeffrey Blount Olufemi Ajani
Group 7 PP-147 - PP-171 Albert Tu John Goodden
Group 8 PP-172 - PP-193 Nelci Zanon Todd Hankinson


  • Posters should be prepared in portrait format of dimensions NO MORE than 90 cm (height) x 70 cm (width).
  • All the material necessary for attaching the poster to the poster board is available at the posters’ help desk in the respective poster area.
  • Authors are responsible for setting up and removing their posters.
  • Abstract title, author(s) and affiliation(s) should appear on top of the poster.
  • Please make sure that your poster can be read easily from a distance of 2 meters.
  • All posters must be written entirely in English.
  • Posters should be displayed on the assigned days. 



Set-Up, Presentation and Dismantle Schedule: Posters have been assigned to one of the below poster sessions.



​Wednesday, 7 December 2022, 08:00 – 10:30

Poster Display Days & Hours:

​Wednesday, 7 December 2022, 11:00 – 18:05
Thursday, 8 December 2022, 08:30 – 13:10

Author Presentation Hour:

​Wednesday, 7 December 2022, 16:05 – 17:05


Thursday, 8 December 2022, 13:10 – 14:00




Friday, 9 December 2022, 08:00 – 10:30

Poster Display Days & Hours:

​Friday, 9 December 2022, 10:52 – 16:00
Saturday, 10 December 2022, 08:30 – 12:50

Author Presentation Hour:

Friday, 9 December 2022, 15:00 – 16:00


Saturday, 10 December 2022, 12:50 – 13:30


Oral Poster presentations are organized in 2 poster sessions. Each session is scheduled on a specific day at a specific time.

Each session will be 60 minutes with approximately 25 posters per group, each be led by a panel of chairs.  

The oral poster presenters should be at their poster when the group gets there.

Each presenter will have 1 minute to highlight the main points, followed by 1 question. Should be fun!

Scientific Committee