We had an exceptional number of abstracts this year and wanted to give as many people as possible chance to present, but this means that we have a very full program. Please show respect to your fellow speakers, the chairs and the audience by keeping to the times outlined below:

Platform Presentations have in general 8 minutes allocated – please prepare a presentation that lasts no more than 6-7 minutes maximum to allow 1-2 minutes for discussion after your talk. ​

Flash Presentations have 3 minutes allocated – please prepare a presentation that lasts no longer than 3 minutes maximum. 

Flash Presentations are grouped to allow time for discussion session after 3-4 talks. The session chair will invite all speakers to seat in the front row at the start of the session to facilitate changeover and speakers will NOT be able to use their own computers. No videos please.

Thank you very much for taking the time to prepare your talks for the meeting- this is the most important aspect of any meeting.

All presentations should be prepared in PowerPoint in 16:9 ratio. 



Delegates who will present their papers should submit their presentation files in speaker ready room at least two hours before their presentation. If your presentation is early in the morning, it is advised to load the presentation the day before.

Speaker Ready Room Hours to be advised.