Industry Symposium 1 - Integra

Symposium Title: Hydrocephalus treatment in Neonates & young children

Date / Time: Wednesday, 7 December 2022 / 13:35 – 14:25

Hall: Hall A

Moderator: Benedetta Pettorini

Speaker: David Low

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Industry Symposium 2 - Medtronic

Symposium Title: Neurosurgical adjuncts for paediatric brain tumours

Date / Time: Friday, 9 December 2022 / 13:15 – 14:05

Hall: Hall A

Moderator: Cliff Maher 

Speaker: Sharon Law


Industry Symposium 3 - BBraun

Symposium Title: Addressing Unmet Needs in Pediatric Hydrocephalus

Date / Time: Friday, 9 December 2022 / 13:15 – 14:05

Hall: Hall B

Presentations & Speakers:

Introduction & Opening, Yi Wen

Hydrocephalus Shunt Technology Progress, Yi Wen

Experiences and Lessons Learned in Pediatric Hydrocephalus Treatment with MIETHKE Gravitational Valves, Masahiro Nonaka 

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