On behalf of the Scientific Committee of the ISPN 2022, thank you for submitting your work for presentation at the 48th Annual Meeting in Singapore. We have an on-line submission and evaluation process administered by Kenes M+; please take a moment to read the below simple guidelines.

All abstracts must be submitted on-line through the abstract submission system. Abstracts that are sent via e-mail or fax will not be included in the abstract assessment process by the Scientific Committee.

Abstract submission deadline ONLY FOR POSTER PRESENTATIONS August 1, 2022



Below abstract submission guideline apply for all abstracts submitted by June 13, 2022.

Abstract Submission Guideline

  • All abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • To enable the maximum number of presenters and to ensure diversity we aim to allow only one oral platform presentation per presenting author unless the circumstances are exceptional and as adjudicated by the committee. Additional abstracts of course are welcome but will likely be allocated as oral flash or oral poster presentations.
  • Multiple abstracts from an institution are welcome and may be afforded more than one oral platform presentation if the presenting author is different. 
  • Keep in mind though that oral poster presenters will get a chance to present their work to an audience in the poster sessions.
  • The presenting author assumes full responsibility for the contents of the abstract and must ensure that all other authors have approved the abstract before submission. All the authors should submit their very best abstract within the given deadline.
  • The presenting author will be required to register for the meeting by 22 August 2022 in order to have acceptance of the abstract confirmed and included in the scientific program and submitted for publication in the CNS journal's proceedings (valid only for oral platform and oral flash abstracts).
  • Please do not submit the same abstract with different presenting authors. Non-compliant applications will be disregarded by the Scientific Committee.
  • The decision of the Scientific Committee with respect to abstract acceptance and type of presentation (poster, flash or platform) will be final.


Preparation of Abstracts:

Accepted abstracts will be scored by the Scientific Committee and those accepted for oral platform or oral flash presentation are published in the society's official journal Childs' Nervous System. As there will be no editing of the abstracts prior to scoring, authors are required to avoid typing errors, misordering of names, incorrect spelling etc. as these create a negative impression for reviewers.

  • Category: A main category (see here) that is relevant for your abstract must be selected during the submission process. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to change the category during the abstract assessment process.
  • Presentation type: During the submission please indicate your preferred presentation type (oral or poster). The Scientific Committee will make the final determination of the presentation type according to the requirements of the scientific program.
    As usual, abstracts will be considered either for:
    - oral platform [8 minutes]
    - oral flash [3 minutes]
    - oral poster: presenters will have an opportunity to present their posters to a guided tour of all the posters.
  • Title: Abstract title can contain a maximum of 250 characters.
  • Author(s): First and last names, institutions, and e-mail addresses of the authors must be fully indicated correctly and in the right order. Abstracts of accepted oral platform or flash presentations will be published in Childs' Nervous System with the indicated author and institution names without making any adjustments. Oral posters will be listed.
  • Institution(s): The institution(s) of the authors should be indicated fully with the "department" and "institution" names while avoiding any abbreviations such as Dept., Inst., Hosp., etc. The institution and city should be written in lower case while the initials of each word are written in capitals (e.g. The Hospital for Sick Children). 
  • Abstract text: Abstract text should not exceed 300 words. The title of the abstract, authors' names, institutions and key words are not included in this limit.

The abstract should have four sections:
- Objective
- Material and Methods
- Results
- Conclusion

  • Images, tables, diagrams and graphs are allowed for the abstracts; however, they will not be published in the CNS Journal. Please upload images, tables, diagrams and graphs in the system on the related section of the abstract submission system.
  • Keywords: Keywords should not be included in any of the sections of the abstract text and written only in the section dedicated for keywords. A maximum 6 keywords can be provided. All keywords should be written in lower case (e.g.: hydrocephalus).
  • Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.

Please ensure that the presenting author e-mail address is entered correctly to enable the Meeting Organizing Secretariat to communicate with you regarding the abstract. All information regarding the acceptance, any required adjustments, and scheduling will be communicated via e-mail to the abstract presenting author.

When the submission process is finalized, you will see your abstract under the heading "Submitted Abstract". If your abstract is not seen there, please kindly turn back and check the steps of your submission. Please be aware that the Scientific Committee will not receive "Not-Submitted Abstracts" and these therefore CANNOT be taken into consideration in the abstract evaluation process.
Upon submitting of your abstract an e-mail including the "Abstract Number" and "Title" of your abstract will be sent to the contact author who has submitted the abstract.


Evaluation Process and Acceptance Letters

All submitted abstracts will be scored by at least 3 members of the Scientific Committee following which the draft program will be drawn up. While scientific merit is the most important factor in evaluating an abstract, the program will also take into account other factors such as the topic, geographic representation etc. 

While we understand that the ability of authors at some institutions to obtain leave and/or financial reimbursement for conferences is determined by the type of presentation, this will not factor into the Scientific Committee’s decision and requests to upgrade a presentation will not be considered. The decision of the Scientific Committee will be final.

Acceptance letters will be sent via e-mail by early August 2022. Relevant information about your abstract's presentation including the presentation date, time, venue, presentation number will be included in the acceptance letter.

The abstract presenting author must be registered for the meeting by 22 August 2022.

Abstracts submitted by presenting authors who do not register for the meeting and pay the registration fee by this deadline will be removed from the final program and will not be published in the Childs’ Nervous System journal.

Thank you for submitting your work for consideration. We are looking forward to meeting you for what promises to be a fabulous meeting in Singapore!


Please contact us directly should you have any specific enquiries.

Scientific Committee Chair
Abhaya Kulkarni, abhaya.kulkarni@sickkids.ca
Kenes M+, Scientific Program Coordinator
Mojca Rodic, mrodic@kenes.com